Serving our neighborhood’s older adults for more than 55 years
Last year alone, Meals on Wheels NE Illinois delivered more than 100,000 meals with the help of more than 500 volunteers. We’re committed to being the premier provider of home bound older adult nourishment and support services.
Support Meals on Wheels NEI Today
Your donation, no matter how large or small, will ensure that seniors in our community will be well-nourished.
Tribute information will be taken as you continue through the donation screen. What a great way to honor someone!
Welcome our new Executive Director, Tricia Mullin!
Dine with us
Join our community and discover the unique independence we provide.
Help local older adults avoid malnutrition through meal prep, packaging, packing, distribution, or delivery…or help serve meals in our new Cafe!
Help cover our rapidly growing meal subsidies, food costs, and program expansion. Our success is initiated by your kindness.