Dear Friends,
As the current health crisis unfolds Meals on Wheels Northeastern Illinois’ critical role in the lives of vulnerable older adults has become even more significant. The health and safety of our clients, staff, and volunteers is paramount.
The powerhouse movement we (all of us) have built remains strong. Volunteers and staff who have recently traveled or who have ANY symptoms of any illness are staying at home. Weekly (rather than daily) routes are being implemented by wonderful volunteers who have larger vehicles and who are looking for ways to serve. And donations continue to arrive.
We request your continued support as we navigate this changing, unprecedented landscape. We will continue to keep you informed of changes to operations as this situation unfolds, but for now MWNEI has taken the following steps:
Weekly deliveries (rather than daily) of frozen meals to most clients. This will also necessitate more phone visits with our clients, who are already prone to the ill-effects of isolation and loneliness. Reassurance calls are very important right now.
MWNEI’s office is closed and meetings have been canceled.
We continue to move forward with plans to open the food production facility as soon as possible but will not open until we are completely certain it is the safest option for all.
Please know that we anticipate reduced revenue for our organization at a time when we are already stretched. We continue to consider all options to remain strong.
While we do not know how long these steps may need to be in place, know that we will err on the side of caution for the safety of our seniors, volunteers, and staff with every decision we make.
While the pandemic is an unprecedented occurrence, what is not unprecedented is the way our community (donors, volunteer, and staff) comes together in times of crisis… This has been demonstrated many times. The Robert Schuller quote, “Tough times don’t last, tough people do.” Has been tossed around many times this week.
Additional updates will be communicated soon. Meanwhile, take care of yourselves and others by following the CDC's guidelines (click here).
Thank you for all that you do to take care of this older, more vulnerable population. And if you are able to donate, we sure would appreciate it. Take great care.
Debi Genthe
Executive Director